
Ing. Hernán Vera

+30 years of experience. Experience on underground mines, open pit mines, high altitude operations, hydro metallurgical plants, management, exploration, feasibility studies, projects development and construction. Leading legal, financial, administrative, security, human resources, communication activities during many years as well. Significant experience in M&A. Well experienced on Community relations, Positive and smooth Unions and Governmental relations. Several exploration, construction and operational permits obtained.
Significant contribution from feasibility to construction stages on 3 of the most important projects in Argentina as: Cerro Vanguardia’s Anglogold Ashanti gold mine, Veladero’s Barrick gold mine and Gualcamayo’s Yamana gold mine. Diversified geographical experience on South America, North America and Africa regions.
Particular Skills: team builder, business opportunities identification and developing, mine planning and design, negotiation, mine and business strategy, organization development, change management, project implementations, community relations.
Honours as Student
• Awarded as Flag bearer in Santo Domingo primary School due to best student achievement.
• National Flag escort in San Juan National University due to best students achievement.1985.
• Honour Diploma. Honorary title among Mining Engineers graduated at San Juan National University. 1985.